
Showing posts from 2016

Blended Families

There are many names used to describe a family that has been through divorce and remarriage: blended family, remarried family, divorced family, step family, reconstituted family, and many more. These families all have the problem of blending members of the family together. Whether that mean something like The Brady Bunch, or just a new mom or dad being brought into the family, it is still a very hard situation. Blended families are more likely to end in divorce because the kids and the members of the family have to learn to deal with each other, and that can cause lots of problems. Those families already have their own subsystems and when you try to connect two subsystems into one family subsystem it makes life a little hard.

Purpose of Parenting

What is the purpose of Parenting? There are so many things that I feel are important things to consider when parenting. I would say these are the purposes or achievements of parenting. I would also keep in mind the "5 Ballast Qualities for Children" to gain in their lives. Courage, Self-Esteem, Responsibility, Cooperation, and Respect. These are all great things to hope you teach your children while they are growing up. I compiled a list of things that would help teach your child these 5 qualities. help children succeed in life teach children to work hard teach them to love one another share the love of God with them teach them morals and standards teach them about their divine heritage teaches the parent selflessness and helps them to mature teach individuality teaches parents to love others protect and prepare child to survive and thrive in the world they live in teach children gratitude

Higher Education

Higher education is very important in today's world. Everyone it always talking about getting a college education, but when higher education was a new thing, the purpose was different. In today's world getting a college degree is often pursued because someone wants to make good money and have a nice job. Back in the older days people wanted the understand the universe better. A higher education helped "the universe be opened up to them". Higher education can be anything that helps your education grow. College courses and degrees, educated in the gospel, motherhood, cooking, learning from book clubs, etc. These are all great ways to gain more knowledge on everything in the world. So even if you aren't going to get a college education it is important to still learn new things each day!

Communication is Key

We are always communicating. Even if we aren't verbally communicating, we are communicating something non-verbal, like with our eyes or our body language. We also communicate with our tone. Women usually taking what is said with the tone of how it is said, and men usually just take what is said regardless of the tone. When you are married, and have a family you need to make important decisions together. Often times you will have a conversation about the decision, but sometimes one person chooses or has the final say, there is compromise and you often default and refer to your parents. That makes it not your family's (husband and wife, etc) decision. There are a few things that we talked about in class, that make a conversation or communication about a family decision run smoother. 1) Start with a prayer: it is important to start a meeting with a prayer because it helps bring the spirit into the conversation. 2) Meet in a sacred place: this sacred place can be your bedroom or

Families Need Each Other

When a person is going through a crisis, whether that be death, loss of a job, fighting with others, stress at work or school etc, it is always easier when they have other people to rely on to help them out. This week we talked about how it is so important to work together with your spouse and/or family when going through a tough time. My teacher shared a special experience he had when he was younger, which I won't share, but he brought up good points with this story. His family was going through a tough thing, and they prayed and talked about it together. They had to make a tough decision, and they each talked about what they felt the family should do. I saw this as a great way to communicate your feelings with one another, which I have already mentioned is a great thing for women. He also mentioned how they had outside friends and family that could help them out, so they could focus on the certain decision they had to make. People to stay there with the kids, while his parents ta

Differences in Male and Female

Men have more grey matter in their brains. This is more of a storage, whereas women has more white matter, which is the connective tissue. This causes an issue of disconnect within the relationship. Men also only focus on one problem at a time. Women focus on numerous problems at a time. This is bad with men, because they only focus on the problem. Until the problem goes away, they just focus on what needs to be fixed. Women however, can focus on problems, but they can think about all the problems at one time. This causes problems in the relationship because men can't talk about the other problems. There becomes a lack of communication because of this, and we all know that women like to talk about their feelings and communicate.

Planning a Wedding

What is involved in planning a wedding? Involving both families is important. Often times the wife plans the wedding, and just tells the husband which parts he can help with, but both husband, wife, and their families should be involved. With this being said that doesn't mean they should be too involved. You still want to separate the relationship between child and parents and strengthen the relationship between husband and wife. This brings me to my next point. You should plan for proper boundaries. Only let the family be involved in helping, but husband and wife should plan the wedding together. The family should be involved in executing the plan. How will a person pay for their wedding? The average wedding cost is $28,000 dollars. That is a lot of money to come up with. Should a couple dip into their savings, ask family to pay, or take out a loan? There is no right answer, because each have their own set of disadvantages. If you dip into your savings that will take a chunk out

Stages of a Relationship

There are 4 stages in a relationship. Dating, Courtship, Engagement, and Marriage. The first is dating. Dating is a variety of activities with a variety of people. This helps us get to know a lot of different people and helps us to open our eyes to what we want in a spouse. It also helps us to build social skills. The next is courtship. This is when you are excusively date 1 specific person. This doesn't mean that you stay home and watch a movie every night for date night. This is when you actually go out and do things with that person. This is to help you get to know this specific person in a variety of situations. Next is engagement. This shouldn't be a huge media event, like it has become. It should be an intimate thing between you and the person you are to become engaged to. And last is marriage.  There are things that carry over from dating and courtship, to marriage. When you are dating or courting someone there should be 3 things involved. Plan. The date should be pla

Gender Roles

In this day and age gender and gender roles are a very touchy subject. I am not trying to be racist or hurt any feelings or be disrespectful, and I am not very educated in this subject so don't hold what I say to be concrete. "We badly need to raise our sons like our daughters."-Gloria Steinham. I don't agree with this statement. I think that girls and boys need to be raised differently because they have different needs and personalities and they are biologically different. Each person has different needs in their adolescence. I can say that the parenting required for me was so much different than my sister. So it doesn't matter if you are female or male, it depends on personality. When you think of the different traits of male vs female: FEMALE- more nurturing, sensitive and caring, express emotions, cooperative, verbal, relationship oriented. MALE- protecting, disciplining, express aggression, competitive, task oriented. Those are different. Surely men can

How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect the Family?

What is socioeconomic status? This is the status or class of a family, a person, or sometimes even a culture, based on education level, income, lineage, mannerisms, speech, occupation, or where you live/where you are from. There are a lot of stereotypes that go along with status. Certain ideas people have on what is considered higher class or lower class. Some people think that someone who wears name brand clothes, or drives a nice car are in the higher class, or someone who lives in a small home and shops at thrift stores are considered lower class. But it all depends on the family or person or culture and how they portray themselves. For instance I would consider myself in the middle class, but I choose to spend my money that I make on name brand shoes, clothes, and a car, which appear that I am in the upper class. In reverse... I don't have much left for other items I need, like school supplies. I am choosing to portray my life differently than one of my roommates. She eats fair

Small Families

Who is affected by small families? The parent? The child? Other family members like cousins? A lot of people can be affected by someone having a small family. Parents can be affected in both good and bad. It is nice because the parent will have a closer relationship to the child, since there is only one of them. The child would often times have both parents undivided attention. That child would also have a lot of money put into them, maybe the parent wouldn't have to work as hard to provide. However, when it comes time for that child to take care of their aging parent, because there is only 1 maybe 2 children, it will be harder on the parent and the child. More stress on that 1 child having to deal with everything an aging parent brings.  Other family members can be affected greatly. I have a cousin who is an only child. I was affected by her being in a small family. She lived not more than 10 minutes away from me. We were basically her siblings and she was basically a sister to


Here is a list of my classmates blogs: If you are interested on what you read here, check theirs out! Adele Palmer Adeline Pugmire AJ Le Grice Alyssa Dexter Annie Rigby Becca Packer Brienna Conteh Brittany Margaritis Christine Smith Crystal Leann Lynch Danielle Nielson Eliza Butikofer Grace John Hailey Shumate James Conteh Jessica Clutterbuck Jessica Drake Julia Hoopes Justine Harper Karina McNally Kristin Williams Kristyn Lloyd   Makayla Halversen Makayla Tilleman Mariah Harper Mariah Moss Megan Dotson Megan Hall Melissa Wenzel Mikell Wilcox Nathan Adamson Rachel Compas Rina Grover Sadie Haslam Sarah Bee Sarah Joseph Savannah Wood Sydney Roberts Zachary Baker Zachary Beyler
Hello! My name is Mikell. I will be posting things on here weekly about family relations. Things on this blog will be opinions I have, or things I have learned in my college course. It will all be based on real facts and good research.