Planning a Wedding

What is involved in planning a wedding? Involving both families is important. Often times the wife plans the wedding, and just tells the husband which parts he can help with, but both husband, wife, and their families should be involved. With this being said that doesn't mean they should be too involved. You still want to separate the relationship between child and parents and strengthen the relationship between husband and wife. This brings me to my next point. You should plan for proper boundaries. Only let the family be involved in helping, but husband and wife should plan the wedding together. The family should be involved in executing the plan.

How will a person pay for their wedding? The average wedding cost is $28,000 dollars. That is a lot of money to come up with. Should a couple dip into their savings, ask family to pay, or take out a loan? There is no right answer, because each have their own set of disadvantages. If you dip into your savings that will take a chunk out of the money you have saved for emergencies and other random costs that come along with being recently married. Asking family can make them feel like you are indebted to them, or you feel indebted to your family. And taking out a loan is the worst option in my opinion. You don't want to start out a marriage in debt. Money is the biggest cause of divorce, and starting a marriage in debt will likely bring contention.


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