Small Families

Who is affected by small families? The parent? The child? Other family members like cousins? A lot of people can be affected by someone having a small family. Parents can be affected in both good and bad. It is nice because the parent will have a closer relationship to the child, since there is only one of them. The child would often times have both parents undivided attention. That child would also have a lot of money put into them, maybe the parent wouldn't have to work as hard to provide. However, when it comes time for that child to take care of their aging parent, because there is only 1 maybe 2 children, it will be harder on the parent and the child. More stress on that 1 child having to deal with everything an aging parent brings. 
Other family members can be affected greatly. I have a cousin who is an only child. I was affected by her being in a small family. She lived not more than 10 minutes away from me. We were basically her siblings and she was basically a sister to me. We hung out everyday. Went to Elementary, Junior High, and High School together. I would say that I was affected by that greatly. Mostly for the good, because I always had a friend to play with, or someone to eat with at school. 
Think about who will be affected before you decide how big to make your own personal family. 


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