Communication is Key

We are always communicating. Even if we aren't verbally communicating, we are communicating something non-verbal, like with our eyes or our body language. We also communicate with our tone. Women usually taking what is said with the tone of how it is said, and men usually just take what is said regardless of the tone. When you are married, and have a family you need to make important decisions together. Often times you will have a conversation about the decision, but sometimes one person chooses or has the final say, there is compromise and you often default and refer to your parents. That makes it not your family's (husband and wife, etc) decision. There are a few things that we talked about in class, that make a conversation or communication about a family decision run smoother.

1) Start with a prayer: it is important to start a meeting with a prayer because it helps bring the spirit into the conversation.
2) Meet in a sacred place: this sacred place can be your bedroom or living room, it doesn't have to be somewhere outside of the home. A person's house is a sacred place for them and their family.
3) Express love and appreciation: before you start talking, tell each other things that you appreciate about them, this will start it out with good things!
4) Discuss matter to consensus: don't talk about something and then not actually make a decision about it.
5) Everyone is able to state their opinion: let everyone involved in the discussion state their opinions and what they think, before you make a decision.
6) Have some sort of treat: this one isn't necessary but it will bring a little sweetness if the decision being made is a heavy decision.
7) End with a prayer: this is again important to make sure you have made the right decision.


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