Stages of a Relationship

There are 4 stages in a relationship. Dating, Courtship, Engagement, and Marriage. The first is dating. Dating is a variety of activities with a variety of people. This helps us get to know a lot of different people and helps us to open our eyes to what we want in a spouse. It also helps us to build social skills. The next is courtship. This is when you are excusively date 1 specific person. This doesn't mean that you stay home and watch a movie every night for date night. This is when you actually go out and do things with that person. This is to help you get to know this specific person in a variety of situations. Next is engagement. This shouldn't be a huge media event, like it has become. It should be an intimate thing between you and the person you are to become engaged to. And last is marriage. 

There are things that carry over from dating and courtship, to marriage. When you are dating or courting someone there should be 3 things involved. Plan. The date should be planned in advance. This correlates with Presiding. The husband should preside over the family, and planning dates will help prepare for this. Next is you should be paired off. You are with that person, not just hanging out with a group of people. This connects with protecting. Once you get married the husband should be the protector of the family and of the wife. And last is the date should be paid for. A date doesn't necessarily have to be expensive, it can just be something fun but if there is a small cost involved, the person asking on the date (in this post being the guy). This pulls a connection to providing for the family once you get married. 


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