Gender Roles

In this day and age gender and gender roles are a very touchy subject. I am not trying to be racist or hurt any feelings or be disrespectful, and I am not very educated in this subject so don't hold what I say to be concrete.

"We badly need to raise our sons like our daughters."-Gloria Steinham. I don't agree with this statement. I think that girls and boys need to be raised differently because they have different needs and personalities and they are biologically different. Each person has different needs in their adolescence. I can say that the parenting required for me was so much different than my sister. So it doesn't matter if you are female or male, it depends on personality.

When you think of the different traits of male vs female:
FEMALE- more nurturing, sensitive and caring, express emotions, cooperative, verbal, relationship oriented. MALE- protecting, disciplining, express aggression, competitive, task oriented. Those are different. Surely men can by nurturing and sensitive and females can be protecting and competitive, but those are just the 'main ideas' of a woman versus a man, and those men and women, who we base these ideas on, as children were probably raised differently. So no, sons shouldn't be raised the same as daughters.


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