
Showing posts from October, 2016

Planning a Wedding

What is involved in planning a wedding? Involving both families is important. Often times the wife plans the wedding, and just tells the husband which parts he can help with, but both husband, wife, and their families should be involved. With this being said that doesn't mean they should be too involved. You still want to separate the relationship between child and parents and strengthen the relationship between husband and wife. This brings me to my next point. You should plan for proper boundaries. Only let the family be involved in helping, but husband and wife should plan the wedding together. The family should be involved in executing the plan. How will a person pay for their wedding? The average wedding cost is $28,000 dollars. That is a lot of money to come up with. Should a couple dip into their savings, ask family to pay, or take out a loan? There is no right answer, because each have their own set of disadvantages. If you dip into your savings that will take a chunk out

Stages of a Relationship

There are 4 stages in a relationship. Dating, Courtship, Engagement, and Marriage. The first is dating. Dating is a variety of activities with a variety of people. This helps us get to know a lot of different people and helps us to open our eyes to what we want in a spouse. It also helps us to build social skills. The next is courtship. This is when you are excusively date 1 specific person. This doesn't mean that you stay home and watch a movie every night for date night. This is when you actually go out and do things with that person. This is to help you get to know this specific person in a variety of situations. Next is engagement. This shouldn't be a huge media event, like it has become. It should be an intimate thing between you and the person you are to become engaged to. And last is marriage.  There are things that carry over from dating and courtship, to marriage. When you are dating or courting someone there should be 3 things involved. Plan. The date should be pla

Gender Roles

In this day and age gender and gender roles are a very touchy subject. I am not trying to be racist or hurt any feelings or be disrespectful, and I am not very educated in this subject so don't hold what I say to be concrete. "We badly need to raise our sons like our daughters."-Gloria Steinham. I don't agree with this statement. I think that girls and boys need to be raised differently because they have different needs and personalities and they are biologically different. Each person has different needs in their adolescence. I can say that the parenting required for me was so much different than my sister. So it doesn't matter if you are female or male, it depends on personality. When you think of the different traits of male vs female: FEMALE- more nurturing, sensitive and caring, express emotions, cooperative, verbal, relationship oriented. MALE- protecting, disciplining, express aggression, competitive, task oriented. Those are different. Surely men can

How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect the Family?

What is socioeconomic status? This is the status or class of a family, a person, or sometimes even a culture, based on education level, income, lineage, mannerisms, speech, occupation, or where you live/where you are from. There are a lot of stereotypes that go along with status. Certain ideas people have on what is considered higher class or lower class. Some people think that someone who wears name brand clothes, or drives a nice car are in the higher class, or someone who lives in a small home and shops at thrift stores are considered lower class. But it all depends on the family or person or culture and how they portray themselves. For instance I would consider myself in the middle class, but I choose to spend my money that I make on name brand shoes, clothes, and a car, which appear that I am in the upper class. In reverse... I don't have much left for other items I need, like school supplies. I am choosing to portray my life differently than one of my roommates. She eats fair